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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Welcome to my Wikipedia page.



My main area of interest is Mathematics, without getting too specific I like Geometry and Topology. However, I do have a few side hobbies that I always enjoy learning more about, such as organic gardening.

I enjoy learning languages other than my native English. I have studied both Chinese and German in the past, and I am currently studying Romanian.

Lastly, I am a supporter of free / open-source software, and the effects that these ideas have on today's world. I am a happy Gentoo linux user, and I encourage the use of Free / OSS software whenever possible.

Wiki Work


I am a big believer in everything that the Wikimedia projects are trying to accomplish, and I only hope that I can do more good things for the project and its community.

Since I have ended my formal education, I have begun using the various Wikipedia sites for self teaching. As I learn, I plan to help by both revising and writing pages for both Wikipedia and Wikibooks. You can see how I am doing here