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Number system

  • floating point
  • overflow and under flow and carry

Non mumeric data

  • ASCII vs EBCDIC(by IBM and collapsed)
  • BIG5
  • unicode
  • JPG, MPG,MP3 (mere)

Modern Computer Architecture

  • Stack architecture(data structure : stack/one address/operand machine instruction, push , pop, aero address/operand machine instruction)
  • pipeline and pipelining(*)
  • superscaler machine (two ALU,)
  • RISC(UNIX, many registers, less addressing mode, small instruction set) and CISC (80x86,less registers, many addressing modes)
    • compiler compiler complxity,
  • parallel processing

Past paper

  • 2001 I 7(parallel processing)
  • 2003 I 5
  • 2004 I 10



Data transmission

  • serial : COM port : bit by bit
  • parallel : LPT/VGA : word by word
  • synchronous (CPU -> memory) common clock
  • asynchornous(through MODEM) , start bit, stop bit , no common clock
  • simplex, duplex and half duplex
  • multiplexing :
  • transmission error checking
    1. parity check
    2. parity check
    3. CRC check, hamming code,etc.

I/O programming

  • DMA Dircect Memory

CPU                  network card
Pooling : CPU ask each device for service one by one
Interrput : devices send NIRT(interrupt request) signal to CPU in order to be served