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Wikipedia:WikiProject Ships/Footer proposals

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This is a set of proposals for the format of ship class footers. See Wikipedia:WikiProject Ships#Ship class footers for the discussion that led to these proposals. Please contribute to the discussion there.

Each ship listed once for each navy

Colossus-class aircraft carrier
Royal Navy
Colossus | Glory | Ocean | Vengeance | Pioneer | Venerable | Warrior | Perseus | Theseus | Triumph
Royal Australian Navy
Royal Canadian Navy
Royal Netherlands Navy
Karel Doorman (ex-Venerable)
French Navy
Arromanches (ex-Colossus)
Argentine Navy
Veinticinco de Mayo (ex-Venerable) | Independencia (ex-Warrior)
Brazilian Navy
Minas Gerais (ex-Vengeance)

List of aircraft carriers of the Royal Navy

Pro: Easy to read. No one can complain about it being biased towards the Royal Navy.

Con: Huge.

Let's see what it looks like for the Flower-class corvettes:

Flower-class corvette
Royal Navy
Abelia | Acanthus | Aconite | Alisma | Alyssum | Amaranthus | Anchusa | Anemone | Arabis | Arbutus | Armeria | Arrowhead | Asphodel | Aster | Aubretia | Auricula | Azalea | Balsam | Begonia | Bellwort | Bergamot | Bittersweet | Bluebell | Borage | Bryony | Burdock | Buttercup | Calendula | Camellia | Campanula | Campion | Candytuft | Carnation | Celandine | Chrysanthemum  | Clarkia | Clematis | Clover | Coltsfoot | Columbine | Convolvulus | Coreopsis | Coriander | Cowslip | Crocus | Cyclamen | Dahlia | Delphinium | Dianella | Dianthus | Eglantine | Erica | Eyebright | Fennel | Fleur de Lys | Freesia | Fritillary | Gardenia | Genista | Gentian | Geranium | Gladiolus | Gloxinia | Godetia (K226) | Godetia (K72) | Heartsease | Heather | Heliotrope | Hepatica | Hibiscus | Hollyhock | Honeysuckle | Hyacinth | Hyderabad | Hydrangea | Jasmine | Jonquil | Kingcup | La Malouine | Larkspur | Lavender | Lobelia | Loosestrife | Lotus | Lotus | Mallow | Marguerite | Marigold | Mayflower | Meadowsweet | Mignonette | Mimosa | Monkshood | Montbretia | Myosotis | Narcissus | Nasturtium | Nigella | Orchis | Oxlip | Pennywort | Pentstemon | Peony | Periwinkle | Petunia | Picotee | Pimpernel | Pink | Polyanthus | Poppy | Potentilla | Primrose | Primula | Renonculus | Rhododendron | Rockrose | Rose | Salvia | Samphire | Saxifrage | Snapdragon | Snowberry | Snowdrop | Snowflake | Spikenard | Spiraea | Starwort | Stonecrop | Sundew | Sunflower | Sweetbriar | Tamarisk | Thyme | Trillium | Tulip | Verbena | Veronica | Vervain | Vetch | Violet | Wallflower | Windflower | Woodruff | Zinnia
Free French Navy
Aconit (ex-Aconite) | Alysse (ex-Alyssum) | Commandant Drogou (ex-Chrysanthemum) | Commandant Detroyant (ex-Coriander) | Lobelia | Commandant d'Estienne d'Orves (ex-Lotus) | Mimosa | Renoncule (ex-Renonculus) | Roselys (ex-Sundew)
French Navy
La Bastiaise
Royal Canadian Navy
Agassiz | Alberni | Algoma | Amherst | Arrowhead | Arvida | Baddeck | Barrie | Battleford | Bittersweet | Brandon | Brantford | Buctouche | Calgary | Camrose | Chambly | Charlottetown | Chicoutimi | Chilliwack | Cobalt | Collingwood | Dauphin | Dawson | Drumheller | Dundas | Dunvegan | Edmundston | Eyebright | Fennel | Fredericton | Galt | Halifax | Hepatica | Kamloops | Kamsack | Kenogami | Kitchener | La Malbaie | Lethbridge | Levis | Louisburg | Lunenburg | Matapedia | Mayflower | Midland | Moncton | Moosejaw | Morden | Nanaimo | Napanee | New Wesminster | Oakville | Orillia | Pictou | Port Arthur | Prescott | Quesnel | Regina | Rimouski | Rosthern | Sackville | Saskatoon | Shawinigan | Shediac | Sherbrooke | Snowberry | Sorel | Spikenard | Sudbury | Summerside | The Pas | Timmins | Trail | Trillium | Vancouver | Ville de Quebec | Wetaskiwin | Weyburn | Windflower | Woodstock
Royal Hellenic Navy
Kriezis (ex-Coreopsis) | Apostolis (ex-Hyacinth) | Sakhtouris (ex-Peony) | Tompazis (ex-Tamarisk)
Yugoslavian Navy
Nada (ex-Mallow)
Royal Netherlands Navy
Friso (ex-Carnation)
Royal Norwegian Navy
Andenes (ex-Acanthus) | Buttercup | Eglantine | Montbretia | Potentilla | Rose
United States Navy
Saucy (ex-Arabis) | Impulse (ex-Begonia) | Ready (ex-Calendula) | Tenacity (ex-Candytuft) | Courage (ex-Heartsease) | Surprise (ex-Heliotrope) | Spry (ex-Hibiscus) | Fury (ex-Larkspur) | Restless (ex-Periwinkle) | Temptress (ex-Veronica)

List of corvettes of the Royal Navy
List of corvettes of the United States Navy

Each ship listed once

Colossus-class aircraft carrier
Colossus (to France as Arromanches) | Glory | Ocean | Vengeance (to Australia as Vengeance; then to Brazil as Minas Gerais) | Pioneer | Venerable (to Netherlands as Karel Doorman; then to Argentina as Veinticinco de Mayo) | Warrior (to Canada as Warrior; then to Argentina as Independencia) | Perseus | Theseus | Triumph

List of aircraft carriers of the Royal Navy

Pro: Small.

Con: Hard to read

Let's see what it looks like for the Flower-class corvettes:

Flower-class corvette
French Navy
La Bastiaise
Royal Canadian Navy
Agassiz | Alberni | Algoma | Amherst | Arvida | Baddeck | Barrie | Battleford | Brandon | Brantford | Buctouche | Calgary | Camrose | Chambly | Charlottetown | Chicoutimi | Chilliwack | Cobalt | Collingwood | Dauphin | Dawson | Drumheller | Dundas | Dunvegan | Edmundston | Fredericton | Galt | Halifax | Kamloops | Kamsack | Kenogami | Kitchener | La Malbaie | Lethbridge | Levis | Louisburg | Lunenburg | Matapedia | Midland | Moncton | Moosejaw | Morden | Nanaimo | Napanee | New Wesminster | Oakville | Orillia | Pictou | Port Arthur | Prescott | Quesnel | Regina | Rimouski | Rosthern | Sackville | Saskatoon | Shawinigan | Shediac | Sherbrooke | Sorel | Sudbury | Summerside | The Pas | Timmins | Trail | Vancouver | Ville de Quebec | Wetaskiwin | Weyburn | Woodstock
Royal Navy
Abelia | Acanthus (to Norway as Andenes) | Aconite (to France as Aconit) | Alisma | Alyssum (to France as Alysse) | Amaranthus | Anchusa | Anemone | Arabis (to the United States as Saucy) | Arbutus | Armeria | Arrowhead (to Canada as Arrowhead) | Asphodel | Aster | Aubretia | Auricula | Azalea | Balsam | Begonia (to the United States as Impulse) | Bellwort | Bergamot | Bittersweet (to Canada as Bittersweet) | Bluebell | Borage | Bryony | Burdock | Buttercup (to Norway as Buttercup) | Calendula (to the United States as Ready) | Camellia | Campanula | Campion | Candytuft (to the United States as Tenacity) | Carnation (to the Netherlands as Friso) | Celandine | Chrysanthemum (to France as Commandant Drogou) | Clarkia | Clematis | Clover | Coltsfoot | Columbine | Convolvulus | Coreopsis (to Greece as Kriezis) | Coriander (to France as Commandant Detroyant) | Cowslip | Crocus | Cyclamen | Dahlia | Delphinium | Dianella | Dianthus | Eglantine (to Norway as Eglantine) | Erica | Eyebright (to Canada as Eyebright) | Fennel (to Canada as Fennel) | Fleur de Lys | Freesia | Fritillary | Gardenia | Genista | Gentian | Geranium | Gladiolus | Gloxinia | Godetia (K226) | Godetia (K72) | Heartsease (to the United States as Courage) | Heather | Heliotrope (to the United States as Surprise) | Hepatica (to Canada as Hepatica) | Hibiscus (to the United States as Spry) | Hollyhock | Honeysuckle | Hyacinth (to Greece as Apostolis) | Hyderabad | Hydrangea | Jasmine | Jonquil | Kingcup | La Malouine | Larkspur (to the United States as Fury) | Lavender | Lobelia (to France as Lobelia) | Loosestrife | Lotus (to France as Commandant d'Estienne d'Orves) | Lotus | Mallow (to Yugoslavia as Nada) | Marguerite | Marigold | Mayflower (to Canada as Mayflower) | Meadowsweet | Mignonette | Mimosa (to France as Mimosa) | Monkshood | Montbretia (to Norway as Montbretia) | Myosotis | Narcissus | Nasturtium | Nigella | Orchis | Oxlip | Pennywort | Pentstemon | Peony (to Greece as Sakhtouris) | Periwinkle (to the United States as Restless) | Petunia | Picotee | Pimpernel | Pink | Polyanthus | Poppy | Potentilla (to Norway as Potentilla) | Primrose | Primula | Renonculus (to France as Renoncule) | Rhododendron | Rockrose | Rose (to Norway as Rose) | Salvia | Samphire | Saxifrage | Snapdragon | Snowberry (to Canada as Snowberry) | Snowdrop | Snowflake | Spikenard (to Canada as Spikenard) | Spiraea | Starwort | Stonecrop | Sundew (to France as Roselys) | Sunflower | Sweetbriar | Tamarisk (to Greece as Tompazis) | Thyme | Trillium (to Canada as Trillium) | Tulip | Verbena | Veronica (to the United States as Temptress) | Vervain | Vetch | Violet | Wallflower | Windflower (to Canada as Windflower) | Woodruff | Zinnia

List of corvettes of the Royal Navy
List of corvettes of the United States Navy

Each ship listed once, formatting tweaks

Colossus-class aircraft carrier
Glory | Ocean | Perseus | Pioneer | Theseus | Triumph |
Colossus (to France as Arromanches) |
Vengeance (to Australia as Vengeance; then to Brazil as Minas Gerais) |
Venerable (to Netherlands as Karel Doorman; then to Argentina as Veinticinco de Mayo) |
Warrior (to Canada as Warrior; then to Argentina as Independencia)

List of aircraft carriers of the Royal Navy

Pro: Better.

Con: Still not very easy to read.

Each ship listed once, table in table

Colossus-class aircraft carrier

Glory | Ocean | Perseus | Pioneer | Theseus | Triumph

Colossus to France as Arromanches
Vengeance  to Australia as Vengeance
to Brazil as Minas Gerais
Venerable to the Netherlands as  Karel Doorman
to Argentina as Veinticinco de Mayo
Warrior to Canada as Warrior
to Argentina as Independencia

List of aircraft carriers of the Royal Navy

Pro: easy to read.

Con: uses a line in the box for each time a ship is sold. When a lot of ships have been sold the table might be bigger than the table in the first format above.

Let's see what it looks like for Flower class corvetes:

Flower-class corvette
French Navy
La Bastiaise
Royal Canadian Navy
Agassiz | Alberni | Algoma | Amherst | Arvida | Baddeck | Barrie | Battleford | Brandon | Brantford | Buctouche | Calgary | Camrose | Chambly | Charlottetown | Chicoutimi | Chilliwack | Cobalt | Collingwood | Dauphin | Dawson | Drumheller | Dundas | Dunvegan | Edmundston | Fredericton | Galt | Halifax | Kamloops | Kamsack | Kenogami | Kitchener | La Malbaie | Lethbridge | Levis | Louisburg | Lunenburg | Matapedia | Midland | Moncton | Moosejaw | Morden | Nanaimo | Napanee | New Wesminster | Oakville | Orillia | Pictou | Port Arthur | Prescott | Quesnel | Regina | Rimouski | Rosthern | Sackville | Saskatoon | Shawinigan | Shediac | Sherbrooke | Sorel | Sudbury | Summerside | The Pas | Timmins | Trail | Vancouver | Ville de Quebec | Wetaskiwin | Weyburn | Woodstock
Royal Navy
Abelia | Alisma | Amaranthus | Anchusa | Anemone | Arbutus | Armeria | Asphodel | Aster | Aubretia | Auricula | Azalea | Balsam | Bellwort | Bergamot | Bluebell | Borage | Bryony | Burdock | Camellia | Campanula | Campion | Celandine | Clarkia | Clematis | Clover | Coltsfoot | Columbine | Convolvulus | Cowslip | Crocus | Cyclamen | Dahlia | Delphinium | Dianella | Dianthus | Erica | Fleur de Lys | Freesia | Fritillary | Gardenia | Genista | Gentian | Geranium | Gladiolus | Gloxinia | Godetia (K72) | Godetia (K226) | Heather | Hollyhock | Honeysuckle | Hyderabad | Hydrangea | Jasmine | Jonquil | Kingcup | La Malouine | Lavender | Loosestrife | Lotus (ii) | Marguerite | Marigold | Meadowsweet | Mignonette | Monkshood | Myosotis | Narcissus | Nasturtium | Nigella | Orchis | Oxlip | Pennywort | Pentstemon | Petunia | Picotee | Pimpernel | Pink | Polyanthus | Poppy | Primrose | Primula | Rhododendron | Rockrose | Salvia | Samphire | Saxifrage | Snapdragon | Snowdrop | Snowflake | Spiraea | Starwort | Stonecrop | Sunflower | Sweetbriar | Thyme | Tulip | Verbena | Vervain | Vetch | Violet | Wallflower | Woodruff | Zinnia
Arrowhead to Canada as Arrowhead
Bittersweet to Canada as Bittersweet
Eyebright to Canada as Eyebright
Fennel to Canada as Fennel
Hepatica to Canada as Hepatica
Mayflower to Canada as Mayflower
Snowberry to Canada as Snowberry
Spikenard to Canada as Spikenard
Trillium to Canada as Trillium
Windflower to Canada as Windflower
Aconite to France as Aconit
Alyssum to France as Alysse
Chrysanthemum  to France as Commandant Drogou
Coriander to France as Commandant Detroyant
Lobelia to France as Lobelia
Lotus to France as Commandant d'Estienne d'Orves
Mimosa to France as Mimosa
Renonculus to France as Renoncule
Sundew to France as Roselys
Coreopsis to Greece as Kriezis
Hyacinth to Greece as Apostolis
Peony to Greece as Sakhtouris
Tamarisk to Greece as Tompazis
Mallow to Yugoslavia as Nada
Carnation to the Netherlands as Friso
Acanthus to Norway as Andenes
Buttercup to Norway as Buttercup
Eglantine to Norway as Eglantine
Montbretia to Norway as Montbretia
Potentilla to Norway as Potentilla
Rose to Norway as Rose
Arabis to the United States as Saucy
Begonia to the United States as Impulse
Calendula to the United States as Ready
Candytuft to the United States as Tenacity
Heartsease to the United States as Courage
Heliotrope to the United States as Surprise
Hibiscus to the United States as Spry
Larkspur to the United States as Fury
Periwinkle to the United States as Restless
Veronica to the United States as  Temptress

List of corvettes of the Royal Navy
List of corvettes of the United States Navy
Flower-class corvette
Table of Flower-class corvettes
Lists of corvettes of the

Canadian Navy | Free French Navy | French Navy | Netherlands Navy | Norwegian Navy | Royal Navy | United States Navy | Yugoslavian Navy

The table should have, say: launch-year, navy, name, [transfer-year, navy, name], end-year

Maybe two sets of lists?--lists of Flower-class corvettes of * Navy, and lists of [all] corvettes?

It might be best not to have a footer at all for such a large ship class but to just link to the Flower class corvette article and put lists of ships there.